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18 September, 2011

things i have learnt in the last week or so

Law is Hard with a capital H
- RAW (Research and Writing) has taught me not to plagiarise, or else I'm screwed when I want to be a lawyer
- Researching cases and legislation is TIME CONSUMING D:
- Writing even a PLAN is the word count isn't +-10%, it's +-10 WORDS. Damn lecturer...
- Mooting is ridiculously stressful but at the same time so very fun!

And now I have to re-evaluate my course...and whether I want to actually spend a much longer time doing Engineering/Law or change to something else...

PS I've decided to put a fortnightly post limit. i.e. I have to post every 2 weeks AT LEAST. WON'T EVEN TRY, WILL DO!



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