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16 April, 2010

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A Fall of Moondust

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you and a group of strangers were the last people on Earth, or that they might be the last people you would ever see in your life?

Arthur C. Clarke tackled this well, and really got into the mindset of people in his novella 'A Fall of Moondust'. Mind you, this was written a little before we had actually got onto the moon, so his observations are pretty cool. The 'seas' of the moon are so called as they are barren plains of 'moondust'. In his story, a sort of hovertransport is going across one of these seas when suddenly they 'sink' under the dust and are lost to any transmission possible. What occurs later is the description of what happens inside that hovertransport. How people react, and what people do in response. This isn't a book review. Its a good book, but my point is different.

These days when I get on late buses by myself, and I've finished the paper or whatever I'm doing, I always observe. I don't have anything else to do. And I have a curious habit of watching people and seeing how they behave, how they speak and what they do. Sounds creepy, but its actually sort of interesting. Try it some time. You might see some pretty awesome stuff...anyway, I digress. I'm sure you would have worked out by now what I'm getting at.

If this bus was put into a life-threatening situation, how would each person react?

Now, I know this probably judging people on their appearance, and probably is quite shallow and superfluous. But what would you do? Usually there are a few types of people I identify. The leader, who naturally takes control of the situation. The calm one, who just takes it all in and just...chills. The HYSTERICALS who go crazy and try to do whatever they can to survive; the situation might actually cause them to do things they would not normally do. And then the malicious, those who want to screw up the situation even worse.

Just some thinkin' to do when bored ^^

NB I'm reading Sherlock Holmes at the moment. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a genius. LOL I must like authors named Arthur XD

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