Don't you love the internet?

05 March, 2011



SO its been just under a month since I last posted...
how are you, my readers?! (there are probably none left by now :) except the spambots in the chatbox xD)

Uni life is actually a very awesome experience. The best part so far (its week of actual uni?) was actually the LITE (Leadership In a Technological Environment) camp, because everyone was much less inhibited than in Orientation things at uni. And by less inhibited I mean they actually wanted to get to know one another! They're a great bunch of guys/girls in Engineering, and its made the transition oh-so-much better.

O-week is a bit O-verwhelming (see what I did tharr?). There's just so much going on, and so many groups, and clubs, and's just too much for the mind to handle! Though now everything is settling in, its getting better =) The social life of uni is really...different. You don't necessarily meet new people in lectures, but I see so many people I know from when I was in highschool. It's a little scary LOL

Starting off uni with the naive thought that I will attend all lectures and classes (including that dastardly 11-12pm lecture on Friday...the only lecture that day!). We'll see how long it lasts? Uni's given me something to actually do with my week other than waste it. All my subjects aren't too bad so far in terms of homework...and the law subject I get this semester seems to be shaping up ok, even though I've heard its bloody hard work and can be quite boring. But at least I'll have the engineering maths to work on ^^

making a resolution to improve myself...and post more! =D it probably won't last but WHATEVS (L)

1 individual(s) who care enough to comment:

Medkid said...

But remember to use condoms kids!